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(631) 518-6158

Remote Starts



Don’t fall for deceitful marketing practices found all over the internet regarding remote starts. Adding a remote start to your vehicle is not plug and play, there are wires that must be connected correctly and programming that must be followed step by step to ensure proper installation. Don’t let other shops hack up your vehicle installing a remote start, ensure they use a T-harness or reach out to one of our representatives to setup an installation for you today.

Components Required for Installation

Remote Start Control Module

Vehicle Specific T-Harness

Factory Remote Key Fob

Additional Components

Additional Aftermarket Keyfobs

LTE Expansion Module

Smartphone Remote Start Application

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In order to start your vehicle there a few conditions that must be met. These conditions are easily overlooked because of how simple and intuitive it is to start any car but these conditions are always present. The key of the vehicle must match provide the vehicles immobilizer with the correct “code” in order for the circuitry responsible for starting the the car to respond and imitate. Without this code the starting system cannot be engaged and therefore not start the vehicle. This explanation is very primitive but important to understand.

In order for a remote start to work with your vehicle it must not only be wired correctly to the circuitry responsible for starting your vehicle but it must also provide the car’s immobilizer with the correct code. Along with with proper wiring and the right code in modern vehicles the remote start can communicate with the vehicle and manipulate the proper settings. This allows a remote start to start the vehicle but also turn on the heated sets, the heater, and the rear defroster all from the press of one button.

House with a gray car in the driveway

15 Min Run Time

Opening car door, Man hand opening car door, close up

Doors Remained Locked


Stay Cool

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Long Range Remote


Factory Integrated


Keep Warm

Many shops will offer a low price to get you in the door and then notify you of the additional necessary components to complete the installation which end up doubling the price you saw. Mobile Max does not believe in these practices our remote start installations begin at $329. The price will vary depending on the components you will like to add which include additional remotes, LTE capabilities, and other advanced functionality. If you are ready to add a remote start to your vehicle and are looking for a shop that will use the necessary t-harness and not hack-up your vehicles factory wiring then reach out to us today.

The standard installation requires that you have a factory key fob and the remote start is engaged when you lock all of the doors and press lock three times in a row. That signal with initialize the remote start and start your vehicle. The standard run time of the remote start is 15 minutes and it will shut off if you don’t take action by that time. The vehicle will remain locked the entire time and will operate any components you left on when you exited the vehicle, this means if you left the heat on when you last got out the heat will turn back on when the remote start engages. If you left music playing really loud the music will continue playing provided the source of the music is still available.

The remote start also has advanced capabilities that allow for vehicle tracking, trip summary and parental controls. Most remote starts can be paired with an LTE module to allow control of your vehicle from any location if the RF kit or new remotes range isn’t far enough for you to start your vehicle. Lastly remote starts don’t affect your vehicle negatively they are not damaging any components. They are tied into the factory system correctly so it is as if you were starting the car with your key.