(631) 538-0068


(631) 518-6158

Amplifier Installations



Most car audio installers will just mount your amplifier to the back of your seat or onto the subwoofer enclosure and say there job is finished. That’s not how we work at Mobile Max, we make custom amp racks for all of our installations and always choose a secure location to mount your amp. Where we can be sure it will have consistent airflow and not be susceptible to damage. Our amp racks allow us to secure your amp and its wiring which allows for a clean and professional installation.

Our technicians understand how to configure your amps low pass filter, high pass filter, gain and subsonic filter to ensure your system sounds the best that it can.

Required Amplifier Accessories

Amplifier Power Wiring Kit

RCA Interconnects

Fuses & Amp Rack

Optional Amplifier Accessories

Power Distribution Block

Amplifier Stacking Hardware

Wire Reducers/Terminals

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Amplifiers come in many sizes and configurations. If you are powering a set of subwoofers a monoblock amplifier is your best option, if you are powering a speaker box(chuchero) a two channel amp might be a better option. If you are looking for one amp to power your entire system then a five channel amp will do.

After you decide on what type of speakers you want to amplify then you can begin the selection process for an amplifier. If you are having trouble finding the right combination one of our representatives would be happy to help you. When selecting an amplifier there are some factors you need tp pay close attention to


Amplifier Footprint

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Channels of Output


RMS Power Rating


Wire Gauge


Amplifier Class


Amplifier Brand

If you are working with limited space such as in a compact car then the overall amplifier footprint is a huge factor. The amp has to be small enough to fit in the right place but powerful enough to output the sound you expect. If the amp is the right size then you want to make sure it can power all the speakers you plan to connect to it whether it be a set of subwoofers or all the speakers in your car.

Now that your amp will fit where you need it to go and has the necessary amount of channels we have to determine if it will power the speakers to there full potential. Many car audio electronic brands will print large numbers on there boxes to sell more products but in reality these numbers are just deceitful marketing practices boasting numbers that you will never see or hear. What you want to look at are the RMS power rating of your amplifiers and at what impedance these ratings are calculated. You also want to consider the wire gauge and fusing requirements for your amplifier to make sure it is getting enough juice. The last factor that can play a huge part in your amp buying decision is amplifier class. The class of the amp will have an impact on how it reproduces sound and it’s overall footprint. While some customers may not be able to tell the difference others will always have a favorite amplifier class.

If you are interested in purchasing an amp or having one installed reach out to one of our specialist who can help you make the best decision and setup an appointment for installation.